CARO Rally – Getting Ready to Trial!
This course will help prepare you for CARO Rally Trials and is intended for people like you who wish to start trialing. You will have already started your dog with foundation skills such as heel, sit, down and wish to learn how to prepare for and enter a CARO trial.
CARO = The Canadian Association of Rally Obedience – an inclusive organisation which tries to make Rally trials and classes accessible to ALL dogs (all breeds, all mixes) and handlers with both in person local trials and twice yearly virtual Canada-wide trials. Physically challenged dogs or handlers are welcomed and accommodation is made for them. Trial fees are kept as affordable as possible and there is an active facebook group for navigating their virtual trials.
We will teach you:
- what signs you will need to know and how to perform them,
- what the Novice courses and expections are,
- how the judges will score you, understanding your score and how to get better at performing signs.
- How to videotape yourself performing signs, how to upload that video to youtube without making it “public”, how to send a link to yourself or to a forum or email it.
- How to use videotaping yourself performing a sign to really SEE what you need to work on
- How to access examples of other people performing signs
- How to go about registering your dog in CARO and how to enter a trial
We will include some games to help you and your dog to have fun getting from sign to sign.
You will need:
- a willingness to learn to see and judge your own work
- a dog who has foundation skills – heel, sit, down, stay
- an interest in having fun with your dog
- a dog who is comfortable and safe around other dogs and who can relax in a crate or expen like they would at a trial environment.