The NKC maintains an annual (calendar) award system for its members. Trophies and Merit Plaques are presented at the Annual Award Banquet, usually held in March of each year.
Once again we have come to the time of year when we have a chance to enter our dogs for awards that they have earned during the year. The list is long so please take a few minutes to review the awards and the instructions. If there isn’t room on the forms for all of your titles, add them on the bottom or on the back, wherever there’s room – with a note that you have done that so that we don’t miss it.
The DEADLINE for requests for shingles, plaques and trophies is TBD.
NKC Annual Awards – Form A-1
NKC Annual Awards – Form B-1
NKC Annual Awards – Form C-2
NKC Annual Awards – Conformation Worksheet – 1
All members are entitled to merit plaques. Each dog is given a plaque with its first title and then successive titles are hung below the plaque as they are earned and awarded. It is important to mark whether your dog already has a plaque on the forms as this is how we know if we need to make a complete plaque for your dog. New members who have put a title on their dog last year (2017) and are eligible can apply for a plaque and have the option of buying the hanging titles for any titles that their dog may already have attained prior to membership; just attach a request to your forms.
Titles awarded under the auspices of any recognized organization such as (but not limited to) CKC, AKC, ASCA, AAC, NADAC, AIOC are eligible. The dog must be owned or co-owned by an NKC member (if co-owned, must be living full time with the NKC member). The title must have been awarded while the owner was a member of the NKC (see above); however, where an accumulation of ‘legs’ or ‘points’ or ‘degrees’, etc. leads to the title, not all legs/points/degrees etc. need to be acquired while a member.
To receive your merit plaque, you must complete the NKC Annual Awards Form A and return as noted above. We have a new form in order to simplify the titles for the awards people. Please use a separate form for each separate dog.
Obedience Folks: There is an obedience worksheet to use on Form B to keep track of all your legs & scores for the year including CKC, AIOC Etc. It may help you figure out what award to apply for. The AIOC needs to have the dates legs earned.
Awarded to the dog of a club member training with the NKC that attains the score closest to 200 pts., that is also High in Trial at CKC, ACK, UKC, or Club Trials. A keeper trophy will be given to the winner.
Please use NKC Annual Awards Form C. Proof of High in Trial win may be asked for.
This trophy is donated by David and Coral Denis.
Awarded to the dog gaining most titles in any competition other than conformation, obedience and agility. This award may only be won once by any dog.
Certificate must be available for verification if required.
On behalf of Eleanor Russell, this trophy is awarded to the dog that has earned the most qualifying legs in agility (from any organization) in the calendar year and which was at the Novice/Starters level at the beginning of that year. This can only be awarded once in a dogs life time. Please fill out Form C.
Awarded to the PUREBRED dog that has earned the most degrees or titles during the calendar year. All CKC, AKC, titles and degrees to be considered (i.e. bench, obedience, tracking, field, etc). There is a limit of any three titles to be counted in any one discipline. Certificates of titles must be available to substantiate claims. In the event of a tie, the dog that earned the titles first will receive the trophy. Apply using Form B.
This trophy is supported by NKC in memory of Walter and Mary Brown.
Awarded to the dog NOT REGISTERED WITH THE CKC, attaining the most titles in the calendar year.
Donated by Bernadette and Dave van Klaveren
The Forever Home Trophy was donated by NKC members Mary Lou Booth for Siberian Husky Rescue and Ruedi Birenheide for That’ll Do Border Collie Rescue. It will be awarded to the rescue dog with the most titles in a calendar year. Titles can be from any organization in any discipline. A rescue dog is defined as a dog from an animal shelter, SPCA, or breed rescue organization. Please note name of rescue or shelter on your application form. The owner of the dog must be a NKC member of good standing at time of application.
In memory of Ida Atlee. Trophy awarded to the member and Shetland Sheepdog earning any CKC obedience in three consecutive trials in the calendar year with the highest aggregate score. Use Form B.
These trophies are awarded based on scores earned at AIOC Club Trials.
Whilst the AIOC Rep keeps track of the AIOC legs and titles, still use form B and note your Q’s and titles.
Awarded to the dog attaining the highest three scores towards any CKC obedience title in Canada in Open B or Utility competition. Eligible dogs must be owned by voting members when any score is earned and when trophy is awarded. Use Form C.
Awarded to the dog and club member that attains the highest score in a protection sport (IPO, Schutzhund, French Ring, Monia, Etc)
Certificate or scorebook must be available if required.
Donated by Debeau Rottweiler
The following awards are all for conformation and will use one form. Please complete a conformation worksheet for each dog. The worksheet has the bonus points at the bottom of the page to refer to.
In memory to CH. Darkisles Jamies Littlest Angel. Trophy is awarded based on the number of dogs defeated in CKC licensed show.
Bonus points are as follows:
- Best in Show 25 pts
- Group 1st: 20 pts
- Group 2nd: 15 pts
- Group 3rd: 10 pts.,
- Group 4th: 5 pts.
Apply via the Conformation Worksheet.
Awarded on the basis of the number of dogs defeated in CKC shows and of the opposite sex to the winner of the Darkisle Trophy. Same bonus pointed as for the Darkisle Trophy .
Use the Conformation worksheet.
The winner will be determined based on the number of defeats within its own breed. 1st in Class, RWM/RWF/WM/WF, BOW, BOB, BOS and best puppy in breed. Puppy must receive at least a 1st in its class. Based on all wins by the puppy before the age of twelve months and will be counted in the calendar year in which the puppy reaches one year of age.
Bonus points awarded as follows:
- Best in Show: 10 pts.
- Best Puppy in Show: 10 pts.
- Best Puppy in Group: 8 pts.
- Group 1st: 8 pts.
- Group 2nd: 6 pts.
- Group 3rd: 4 pts.
- Group 4th: 2 pts.
Eligible dogs must be owned by voting members at the time any show placing is earned and when trophy is awarded. Proof of wins must be available for verification if requested. Use the Conformation worksheet.
Awarded to the member it is felt contributed the most towards the club during the past year.
The winner is determined by members’ vote – voting process for 2016 will be determined soon.