CKC trials
The Nanaimo Kennel Club offers two CKC obedience trial weekends annually:
June: four trials in conjunction with our June conformation show
November: four trials as a stand-alone event in the Centennial building

Entries into CKC trials must be completed at least two weeks in advance of the trial. Event premiums are usually available on our website once they are open for entry, usually one month or so before the trial date. Closing dates for entries is always listed in the premium list.
Recently we have added online entries for our November trials. Dogs not registered with the CKC must either have an event registration number or be “listed” and pay an additional listing fee.
Rule books for CKC trials are available directly from the CKC or can be obtained through the Nanaimo Kennel Club.
Obedience matches
The Nanaimo Kennel Club offers obedience practice matches throughout the year. These events are relatively informal, open to everybody, and your dog does not have to be CKC registered.
Please see the Events page for upcoming Obedience matches
CKC Canine Good Neighbour Program
Good Dogs Make Good Neighbours…

To identify and reward responsible, caring owners and their canine partners throughout Canada. To ensure that one of our most favoured companions, the dog, is accepted as a valued member of our communities right across the country. Canine Good Neighbours can be counted on to present good manners at home, in public places and in the presence of other dogs.
The test is non-competitive and allows dog and handler to demonstrate confidence and control in 12 steps.
It assesses the handler and dog’s relationship, together with the handler’s ability to control the dog. Dogs are evaluated on their ability to perform basic exercises as well as their ability to demonstrate good manners in everyday situations.
You and Your Dog Must Must Complete these 12 Steps
Accepting A Friendly Stranger
Politely Accepts Petting
Appearance and Grooming
Out For A Walk
Walking Through A Crowd
Sit/Down On Command and Stay In Place
Come When Called
Reaction To A Passing Dog
Reaction To Distractions
Supervised Isolation
Walking Through A Door/Gate
The training program embraces both purebred and mixed-breed dogs and is fun, rewarding, and useful. It encourages owners to have a better and richer relationship with their dogs. The program also enhances community awareness of responsible dog ownership and the numerous benefits associated with dog ownership.
The Canadian Kennel Club encourages all dog owners to participate in the program, ensuring that our beloved canines are welcome and respected members of our communities.
Q. How can I become a Canine Good Neighbour?
A. This is the best part… you and your dog won’t be the only ones to benefit from participation in a local Canadian Kennel Club approved Canine Good Neighbor Test; communities across the country will learn more and have an ever increasing respect for dog owners and their companions because of the participation of responsible dog owners.
The NKC has 3 classes per year to prepare you for the CGN test and we do also hold multiple test through the year.
Association of Island Obedience Clubs
The Association of Island Obedience Clubs is currently comprised of nine dog training clubs from Victoria to Campbell River. Member Clubs hold obedience trials for both purebred and mixed breed dogs to encourage and give equal opportunity for club members to participate in and receive obedience titles at a local level. We, on the Island, are unique in having such an Association which has been operating since 1960. Anyone wishing to participate in A.I.O.C. events must be a member in good standing of one of the member clubs.
The Association was set up to foster co-operation between dog obedience training clubs on Vancouver Island and act as a clearing house for dates of proposed trials and tracking tests. A.I.O.C. governs itself as closely as possible by the rules and regulations of the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC). Meetings for all member clubs are held in March and October each year.
A number of club trials are scheduled throughout the year. Nanaimo Kennel Club (NKC) members participate in many of the trials offered and their results are recorded for annual awards both within NKC and to establish eligibility for the coveted AIOC Hudson Memorial Trophy. A.I.O.C. awards The Hudson Memorial Trophy to the person handling a dog achieving the highest aggregate score having completed any one degree during the competition year.
The Team Challenge Cup (interclub competition) is held in March with clubs from the Island competing for top scores in three team events encompassing Novice, Open and Utility obedience exercises.
NKC awards two trophies each year for Club Members participating in A.I.O.C. trials. Scores are tallied from January to December. The Jalna Trophy (highest aggregate score making one title in A.I.O.C. trials) and the Stan Dyde Trophy (highest score in an A.I.O.C. trial from the ‘A’ class).
For upcoming A.I.O.C. trials please see the AIOC website
For details on A.I.O.C. club trials check out the host club’s website or contact NKC A.I.O.C. representative, Maggie Henigman at .