
3.0 Membership Procedure 

3.1 A person may apply for membership by submitting a membership application to the Membership Secretary.

(a) If a Board Member, other than the Membership Secretary, is given a membership
application, that Board Member will deliver it to the Membership Secretary.

3.2 The NKC membership secretary will send a notice to all NKC members advising them of the new application and requesting any one to provide any reason why this person should or should not become a member. This provides an opportunity for Membership to address any concerns about the applicant with the Board of Directors.

(a) The Board of Directors will make a decision based on input from the members

(b) At the next NKC General Meeting, if there are no concerns, the person will be introduced as a new member once the membership fee is paid.

3.3 The Membership Secretary will provide information on the Code of Ethics, Bylaws,
Constitution, Policies and bylaws, to the applicant. The Membership Secretary will also inform a new member that the NKC follows Robert’s Rules and the Societies Act. 

3.4 If the application is denied, an email will be provided to the applicant from the Board of Directors explaining their decision.