Getting out there August 27, 2020
BC dog lovers gathered to promote purebred dogs

Although we all like to post photos of our dogs on our Facebook and Instagram pages, nothing really shows off how great purebred dogs are like taking them out in public. I have three dogs that all look very different (Standard Poodle, Doberman Pinscher and a Dandie Dinmont Terrier) and let me tell you, there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t have answer a question about my dogs-lately from a distance of six feet
Good day members, hope you continue to do well and are enjoying your
Just a quick update.
The executive board met last week to discuss the upcoming classes ,
meetings and elections, etc.
The board voted, including the instructors on the board, not to hold
classes this fall.
We will look at the possibility of holding January classes in a couple
More information regarding meetings and the fall elections will be sent out
to the members once we have items worked out.
Deanna Smith
YES …… OR …… NO ? by Sandi Malcolm
Hey family !! we are all home during the pandemic and have lots of time to take care of; and train a puppy. Let’s get one today!
I have heard that sentence many times during the last couple of months. Heritage breeders in all different breeds have had huge surges in requests for puppies or an adult dog. Some have doubled and even tripled requests and we do not have puppies to offer you for the reasons below.
I am sorry to say, but this is not a good time, nor reason, to get a new family member. Dogs are a lifetime commitment and should not be considered until everyone is back to their own normal. What happens to the dog after everyone goes back to work or school and you are back into the life style that prevented you from getting a dog or puppy before.
Most heritage breeders have not bred at this time due to the pandemic situation and because we simply do not know what is happening. Bringing puppies into the world safely is a priority and has to be responsibly done. Most do not have puppies now, and many have wait lists and puppies are already spoken for by people who have researched and got on a waiting list. But, contact breeders, but remember that the query numbers are large and it may take a few days for them to get back to you.
Sadly many people are in dog breeding for the money. Go to Kijiji and price out a mixed breed puppy from questionable sources. They are way more money than a health tested and guaranteed one from a good breeder. I saw a mixed breed dog for sale on Kijiji this week for $5,500.00. The average price of that dog but in the purebred form would be around $2,000.00 and that puppy would come with guarantees and health testing.
So; getting a purebred dog right now is difficult. Be wary of someone who has lots of puppies to sell. Ask about what precautions were taken to breed the litter, and long term what health testing was done for the breed and what their guarantees are. Ask dozens of pertinent questions. Do NOT buy a puppy in a parking lot or off the back of a truck.
A heritage breeder is someone who wants to improve the breed, studies pedigrees to ensure good health, and matches puppies with families and one who pays the utmost attention to health and temperament. Good breeders will want non breeding and return to me contracts with stipulations. Good breeder’s dogs do not end up in shelters nor on the street.
Sources to get a puppy are: Canadian Kennel Club, American Kennel Club, breed specific national clubs, Canuck Dogs, For the Love of Purebred Dogs facebook page, local kennel clubs i.e. Nanaimo Kennel Club has a list of breeders as does the local kennel clubs on Vancouver Island. Just google the breed you are interested in and add National Club of…..” Read the breed standard so you can be prepared to know what the dog should be in mind and body. That is called doing your homework.
Put more research into getting this family member than purchasing a car. By doing that you will get a wonderful family member totally suited to you and your life style and the support and contact of a good breeder for the life of your dog….but it probably won’t be today or tomorrow.
Message for the President June 6,2020
Hope All members are doing well. I know that things are starting to open up in B. C.; however the city of Nanaimo is still closed until the end of June.
Nanaimo Kennel Club is basically closed following government suggestions. There is no business to attend to, that cannot wait until we have the all clear, except rent and insurance.
Sandi Malcolm is having health issues and does not need the stress to deal with complaints. I ask you please do not email her unless she asks you too. She will continue to put out the missive with positive information about the club so if you have happy and positive stories, good outcomes, births, puppies, wins, and “stuff” like that please do send it to her.
Once the city has opened I will be in contact with them as to how and when we can start up again and have our meeting. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again as I am sure you are as well.
Deanna Smith
President NKC
To All Members MARCH 16, 2020
As of 6pm this evening Nanaimo Parks and Rec will close all the facilities.
Their facilities will be closed for the next 14days.
All of our scheduled events will be cancelled. This includes our general meeting scheduled for March 23, 2020 and show handling classes.
Our classes scheduled to start March 30, 2020 will be put on hold. A decision as to when the classes will commence will be looked at April 1, 2020. Please check our website event calender
Sandi Malcolm is working on the newsletter. If you have anything that you wanted to discuss at our now cancelled upcoming meeting please email her and she will add it to the newsletter.
Deanna Smith